OpenARC is Aceinna’s precise positioning platform that offers easy system integration of GNSS corrections with high performance INS and RTK hardware. OpenARC provides secure GNSS corrections powered by a dense RTK network and cloud-based architecture.

OpenARC offers performance (<10cm accuracy with no latency), security and integrity (fault tolerance and encryption) and flexibility, while being cost effective. OpenARC is integrated into the OpenRTK330LI navigation module to provide a vertically integrated and seamless positioning platform industrial and autonomous vehicle applications.

Continental coverage

OpenARC is powered by a dense nationwide corrections network that supports RTK (Real-Time Kinematics) and SSR (State Space Representation). Each base stations in the network has a nominal coverage radius of 50km (30 miles) to provide high availability of secure corrections across the Continental US.*

Lane-Level Accuracy & Immediate Convergence

OpenARC enables high precision and confidence in positioning and localization applications, which can achieve <10cm accuracy for challenging tasks such as lane keeping, precision agricultural guidance, and UAV landing maneuvers.


OpenARC and OpenRTK are a platform that accelerate development of safe and reliable solutions in various industries.

  • Smart Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Mapping
  • Surveying
  • Long-haul trucking
  • Last-mile delivery